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How to Avail Job Card?
Issuing Authority:
The Gram Panchayat will issue Job Cards to every registered household. The timely issue of well-designed Job Cards is essential; this is a critical legal document, which also helps to ensure transparency and protect labourers against fraud.
Issuing Period:
The Job Card should be issued immediately after verification, i.e. within a fortnight of the application for registration. Job cards should be issued in the presence of the local community.
Cost of the Job Card:
Photographs of adult members who are applicants have to be attached to the job cards. The cost of the Job Cards, including that of the photographs, will be borne as part of the programme cost. The State Government in a particular area may order the photograph to be affixed later (but not later than a month) if the immediate provision of a photograph is not possible. No photograph, name or details of any person other than that of the registered adult members of the household to whom that job card belongs shall be affixed or recorded in the Job Cards.
Ownership of the Job Card:
The Job Card will be in the custody of the household to whom it is issued.
Validity of the Job Card:
The Job Card shall be valid for a period of five years and will have provision for the addition/deletion of members eligible to work. Deletions in any household on account of demise, or permanent change of residence of a member, are to be reported immediately by the household concerned. Additions desired may be applied for by the household. The Gram Panchayat will also undertake an annual updating exercise in the same manner as registration, the time for which should be fixed keeping in mind the work and migration season of the local workforce.
Correction in the Job Card:
All additions and deletions made in the Registrations Register will be read out in the Gram Sabha. The Gram Panchayat will send a list of additions/deletions to the Programme Officer.
Application for Duplicate Job Card:
A cardholder may apply for a duplicate Job Card if the original card is lost or damaged. The application will be given to the Gram Panchayat and shall be processed in the manner of a new application, with the difference being that the particulars may also be verified using the duplicate copy of the Job Card maintained by the Panchayat.